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Hey! What do you know? Turns out that the most attractive feature of a woman is their hair, not a supermodel's neverending legs.

OK. Honestly, the main reason why I chopped off my long, long, long, long hair (up to the top of my butt) was because it's hard to maintain, takes a lot of time to blow-dry, heavy to carry around, always stuck between my layers of clothes, and the fact that I have to keep tying them up (which explains why I always have a hairband around my wrist).

After I cut my hair 3-4 months ago, for the first time since my last short hair-do (2-3 years ago), I feel that I'm wearing the short hair happily, instead of the short hair wearing me. And I just know that I'm going to keep this length for long.

I know it sounds corny, but a woman's hair is so much connected to the woman's emotions more than anyone can think of. Any woman can agree with that. Which is why the salon business is huge. And for that matter, I go to the hair salon once every year, unless there are special occasions that I have to attend, or whatever.

Anyway, the Pantene report concludes the following statistics:

  • 74% of men indicated that they notice women because of their hair.
  • 44% of men surveyed said that hair is the first thing they notice about a woman, more than her clothes (26%), legs (25%), or makeup (4%), and most men surveyed would be more likely to approach a woman at a bar with great hair than a woman wearing a low-cut shirt.
  • 82% of men indicated that sexy hair is a key element to a woman's overall sex appeal.
  • 60% of men surveyed say they would rather date a woman with great hair than a woman with big breasts.
  • 78% of men surveyed consider healthy hair to be a turn-on.

So, you see? From the Martians' point of view, above all the makeup and furry clothes and bling-bling bags and Louboutins, the hair is the most natural feature out of the most obvious things you can spot just by glancing at a woman.

Oh, and one more thing, ladies: Your hair is the only thing out of all those things that is not perishable. Unless you have great quality leather handbags. Or you decided to go bald or something.

Doesn't mean you've got to spend one hour doing your hair! Hey, one thing I love about having some extra air flowing above my neck and on shoulders now is that I'm saving so much time getting out of the bathroom. Which you can use as a 15-minute quickie with your husband or something.

Just kidding!

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