She didn't know much about it. She was doing it in hopes of finding a reason, but there are so many things lying around.
Everything happens for a reason, so she was always told by a long-time friend who stood by that thought.
"Reality" shows? Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
So she browsed around for a while, looking for other people who are actually doing real stuff.
As a subscriber for Women's Health for 2 years that has helped her lose weight over the past year, she looked on to some articles on their Web site for more inspiration.
One day, she stumbled upon Back In Skinny Jeans while flipping on the magazine article with weight loss in focus, she read Steph's motivational words for hours, as that of whenever she gets right deep down into a long novel.
You know what? She gained weight again, and it's a recurring theme within any women's lives.
And she thinks that Stephanie, with her skinny-ness, is truly honest. She admires her, for she's very, very brave.
And so she wants to be as brave as her, which is, in real life, the way she was before she went down into the Deep Oceans.
Steph stresses the fact that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
That's why she started to see the positive side of what the blogosphere's atmospheric pressure can do to her - it's an open air. Very open. If you tell real stuff, you only get two things: Either a friendly neighborhood, or another world, besides the real one, that turns its back on you.
She decided that this is a recurring theme on her blog posts about developing the character of MISTER. Y. It is a very controversial, touchy yet personal subject, yet undoubtedly a hot topic nowadays.
...And this too. What about the rising global population? That's dwindling the economic distribution, which in turn generates sociopolitical inequalities, although she's personally not a totalitarian. Still reading Orwell's 1984 here.
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"No comment" is a comment. - George Carlin, stand-up comedian, black humorist, social critic, funny guy.