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What if in the olden days, them Romantics Bourbon kings relinquished their preemptive badges against their own conflicting natures, as the monarchs that they are? And with them selves full of pretentions! Acts upon acts of far-off images painted in light-hearted tones, even after the highlights of Napoleon days! They buried within their arts that merely flourished because of their individualism, standing in their pompous Royal titles as self-expressionists, supporting their feet only by unsubstantiated allegations, but never succeeded speaking in a Scientific light. It then came the inescapable – from the self: An era of Revolution where shortly after they try again to reinvest on restoring their old priceless badges, yet serves nothing but pretentious acts of escapism. Talleyrand ranted that these kings “learned nothing and and forgotten nothing” in his own polarizing mindsets while sipping his own American bourbon, and then he choked himself.

If this to be true, then maybe it’s just as today, when credence stands no chance for the Pope, as there are nowhere and no-one to escape to when our unforgiving media and its continuous rants and raves obfuscate the Church’s traditional religious rites through mixed reviews, and then recreate evermore unsolicited politics.

Any recommendations for a sustainable future?

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