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Today I finally chopped off my hair after thinking about it for over a month, now.

I was so in love with Lee Hyori's hair here the moment I first saw it:

It's got that messy boyish look that seems easy to maintain, and so when I wake up every morning I thought I may not even have to brush my hair to be ready-to-go!

And here's what I ended up having:

I really loved it! Well, I told my hair stylist not to chop of my fringe because I want to keep my bangs. I'm not really buying the short bangs anymore; it took me a while to grow big, bouncy bangs! (By the way, she's Keiko Yamaguchi, a very friendly and pretty lady at the Japan Center Beauty Clinic in Japantown)

After the haircut appointment, the rest of the day felt so fine. Seems like the world feels airy, and my foot were able to pounce any minute. The best part is, the hairstyle is pretty flexible! Not only can I stride longer (therefore have faster runs) but also I can pretend to be a boy just by wearing a boy's shirt. This would prevent night stalkers and other scary-looking men on the streets of Tenderloin.

I simply fly, with Ai.

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