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Anything can happen. You can run a total of 50 miles at one time, or more junk miles in addition to that, and still can never get to that runner’s high.
That’s why you need a plan. Like life, it all takes a little planning to get there. You can crawl your way up that hilly road and be pathetic forever, or you can run your life at your own pace along that steep slope, working your ass off for days, weeks, months, years. If that’s what it takes just to get high, would you endure the race ’til the end? Will you even have the courage to start?
We know that anything can happen. But wait a minute – we also know that anything is possible. You can wait patiently for your neck to emerge from your shell weighing your life down, and still be a tortoise. But the upside of it is, now listen to this: Nothing’s worth not trying.
Endure it long enough, and you’ll have a wrinkle in time. Add up those miles, and you’ll witness the butterfly effect. Run, fly, get high – Anything is possible, so bring it on!

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